
At HBJS, we pride ourselves on our diverse curriculum.  The HBJS offers a curriculum that is inclusive of the experiences and histories of those with protected characteristics. It serves to allow young people to think more critically about how knowledge is formed and how it comes to be valued.

 We believe that a diverse curriculum allows our children to see and be seen in the curriculum ( mirrors and windows); to interrogate how knowledge in the curriculum has come to be valued; to hear ‘multiple co-existing narratives’ in all subjects; and to understand how systemic barriers are present for those with protected characteristics and intersectional identities ( e.g. a person of colour + SEND).


The nine characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010 are:

Age, gender, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnerships, and pregnancy and maternity.


At HBJS, Subject Leaders and teachers use these as a filter to help plan rich and inclusive content across the curriculum.

Year teams work carefully to ensure that the year group curriculum offers a diverse range of learning experiences that reflect the nine protected characteristics.