
Diversification in the HBJS curriculum

At HBJS, we pride ourselves on our diverse curriculum. HBJS offers a curriculum that is inclusive of the experiences and histories of those with protected characteristics. The nine characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010 are:

Age, gender, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnerships, and pregnancy and maternity. These can be seen at the bottom of this page.

We believe that a diverse curriculum at HBJS allows our children to:

• See themselves and others represented in what they learn (mirrors and windows)
• Value knowledge from different perspectives.
• Understand how barriers affect people with diverse identities and backgrounds


At HBJS, Subject Leaders and teachers use these characteristics as a filter to help plan rich and inclusive content across the curriculum from Y3 to Y6.

Year teams work carefully to ensure that the year group curriculum offers a diverse range of learning experiences that reflect the nine protected characteristics.

Below is HBJS' interpretation of the protected characteristics which we use throughout KS2.