Subject vision statement

Subject Vision Statement 




“If you learn a second language you are able to see the world through another set of eyes.” - Chinese proverb


Definition of the subject

Foreign languages are those languages that are not commonly spoken in your own country.


Subject Aims


At Hunter’s Bar we help children to show their understanding by expressing their ideas and thoughts in Spanish. They will listen, speak, read and write Spanish with a developing competency.Through active learning- using generative learning tasks, quizzing, songs, games, role play, partner work, animations,  puppets and cuddly toys- we want them to feel comfortable enough to say with confidence “I can speak Spanish…”. Through learning Spanish children will develop an understanding of the diversity of cultural differences.



Subject dream 

Our dream at Hunter's Bar is to develop in children a passion for languages: for them to be curious about languages and want to continue learning them throughout their lives. We want them to be able to make links with the languages they speak at home and those other languages they choose to learn, celebrating the cultural and linguistic diversity of our school community. They will realise that the way in which they see the world is just one possible way and will develop an understanding and respect for diversity and a curiosity to learn about the people and cultures of the world.

5 - point fingerprint

  1. Reading - read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing.

  2. Writing - write phrases from memory and adapt these to create new sentences and express ideas clearly.

  3. Listening - listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding

  4. Speaking - speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures  with increasing confidence, fluency and accuracy of  pronunciation and intonation.

  5. Cultural understanding - have a good understanding of the world and their place within it through increased cultural insights into other people’s lives.

Big ideas of Languages







Vocabulary underpins all other language skills. It is a stepping stone to better fluency and understanding. If you know words and phrases in another language you can communicate. We teach carefully selected vocabulary so that children can learn to communicate about themselves- a topic they need have no other experience for. 




By studying the patterns of sounds in a language, we can allow children to work out the sounds of Spanish and apply them to unknown words, therefore enhancing their vocabulary. If you know how Spanish letters and phonemes sound you can read any word you meet with confidence. 




If we know the rules that underpin the Spanish language we are able to adapt and then construct our own speaking through their application. Accurate grammar ensures our communication is effective and can be understood by others. 



Communication allows us to understand each other enabling us to socialise, work and study together. By opening children to the world of other languages we also open them to the opportunities for lifelong cultural experiences.